Operating a motor vehicle is a big responsibility. It only takes one mistake by one driver to seriously injure or kill another person.
Even if you understand the importance of safe driving and obeying the rules of the road, there will always be other drivers who act in negligent manners.
Here are some of the many forms of negligence to watch for when you’re behind the wheel:
- Disregard for traffic laws: For example, if the speed limit is 65 mph and someone flies by at 85 mph, they’re putting everyone at risk of an accident. The same holds true for drivers who don’t obey traffic signs and signals.
- Driving under the influence of alcohol: It’s often easy to pinpoint a drunk driver, with common signs including driving extremely fast or slow, driving with their face up against the windshield, swerving and slow response time.
- Distracted driving: Even though it’s against the law, you won’t have to look far to see someone who is texting and driving, talking on their phone, eating, drinking or doing something else that takes their attention away from the task at hand.
- Drowsy driving: When a person is too tired to be behind the wheel, they’re unable to make fast and accurate decisions.
- Reckless driving: This takes on many forms, including but not limited to excessive driving, illegal passing, illegal lane changes, racing other vehicles and driving the wrong way on a one-way street.
If you spot a negligent driver before they cause an accident, you can move yourself out of harm’s way. You can also call 911 to report the person if you fear that they’ll cause a crash up the road.
Unfortunately, it’s possible that a negligent driver could cause an accident when you least expect it, thus leading you to receive medical treatment and tackle a long recovery process.
As you recover from your injuries, review your insurance policy and contact your agent to file a claim. This is also the right time to learn more about your legal rights for seeking compensation for your injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages and damage to your personal property.